Wednesday, December 16, 2015


  • Session Objective

ü  Tutorees will reinforce what designing and implementing a writing task takes.

ü   Tutorees will consolidate on writing process strategies. 

  • Activities

In this session, teachers socialized their writing workshops in class while tutors gave them feedback in order to complement and help them improve their work. After, teachers discussed more strategies about writing including the process approach in which different activities inside each stage were discussed and considered. After that, teachers received a template and some extra material in order to consider them at the time of planning a writing task. Teachers start to work on their drafts of the writing workshop using the template, a rubric and the different material provided for them to guide them in planning an effective writing class. Then, together with the tutors, teachers improved their plannings including aspects they had not considered before. Teacher sent the final versions of their writing workshops to the tutors. 

  • Articles, resources and more

    Different approaches to teach writing.
    A summary of three different approaches to writing: product, process and genre.


  • Session Objective

ü  Tutorees will understand the importance of including written outcomes in their CLIL sessions after reflecting on common classroom practices.

ü  Tutorees will work on the most important fundamentals of the writing skill process.

  • Activities

    This session started with a writing workshop in which the teachers were asked to compose a three-paragraph text in which they stand back for their programs and their importance in 2025 since it is being said that they are going to disappear in that year. After, teachers reflected on the task and concluded that the time, the instructions, the lack of input, the lack of complete instructions, the omission of a process to write and the level of anxiety at the top,made of it a really difficult task to accomplish. With this task teachers reflected upon how important it is to plan a writing task and give the time, input, evaluation parameters (rubric), complete instructions, a scaffolding process before asking their students to write something. After that, teachers were introduced the same writing task but with the appropriate strategies to do so, tutors gave them the rubrics, the process to think and plan, the input to write and the fair time to complete this task. Teachers could compare the difference between one task and the other and how important is to plan a writing task diligently. Then teachers participated in a lecture where the different strategies to plan and implement writing activities were presented. Teachers asked questions and they discussed about how can they applied them to their daily classroom practices. Finally, teachers started to write a draft of a writing workshop for their classes to be socilized on December 15th.

  • Articles, resources and more

    Some types of texts, because there are many more than just essays...

  • Article: Loranc, B (2009). Inegrating Reading and Writing into the Context of CLIL Classroom: Some Practical Solutions.International CLIL Research Journal, Vol 1 (2) retrieved from

    Article: Granados, C (2011) Facing CLIL Challenges at University Level. HOW Journal, Vol 18 Number 1. Retrieved from

    How to plan a content activity with the presence of language

    Tuesday, December 15, 2015


    • Session objective
    To validate tutorees’ understanding on the principles of the listening comprehension skill as well as recognizing the possible oral outcomes after a listening activity in the classroom.

    • Activities

    Teachers shared with the class thei first draft of the listening workshop to be implemented in the classroom, they implemented some sessions of their activity an they received feedback. Teachers received also peer's evaluation on their proposal. After that, a final wrap up about the listening strategies and activities was made through a lecture. Then, teachers were involved into a listening workshop whith oral communication activities as possible outcomes. Teachers received a template with the different aspects to consider at the time of planning a listening workshop and they consider different ideas for forstering oral outcomes through listening.
    Besides, teachers worked on the draft of their listening workshop proposals in order to improve it for a final handing. Teachers took into account the template provided as well as the rubric  in order to master their workshop.

    • Articles, resources and more
    More ideas about implementing skills in the CLIL classroom

    This section contains resources for secondary teachers to use in the bilingual classroom and classrooms where English is used as a medium of instruction to teach other subjects, which can be used as models to plan your lesssons

    Article about Outcomes and Processes in Content and Language Integrated Learning: ClIL: Current Research in Europe:



    • Session objective
    To understand the main principles regarding the listening comprehension skill and how to implement it effectively in the CLIL classroom.

    • Activities

    Teachers started the class involved into a listening workshop, teachers participated actively in the role of students. After the listening workshop model, teachers reflected upon the different strategies they can go through in order to implement listening comprehension skills into the CLIL classroom. Besides, there was a lecture about listening theories and strategies in which different  ideas, techniques and activities were proposed in order to Foster oral comprehension activities (pre-during-post moments).  At the end, teachers created their own listening workshop based on the different aspects such as the strategies, the rubric, worked in the sesión in order to be shared on December 10th.
    • Articles, resources and more

    -Liubiniené,V (2009) . Developing  Listening Skills in CLIL. Retrieved from

    - Teaching listening strategies

    -You can create your own listening material in the following web 2.0 they will enable you to create your own videos or tracks in order to complement your listening comprehension task when it becomes difficult to get appropriate material for your workshop.




    • Session objective:
    To refresh and redirect the teachers into CLIL methodology getting back to the CLIL teacher's profile.

    • Activities:

    This session started focusing on making a reflection workshop in order to consider the sucessfull and less sucessfull experience of the CLIL Project. Teacher shared their results through a poster session and worked on a rubric in order to evaluate their process. Also, we considered the different conditions to make a CLIL project successful by reviewing the article“First steps to CLIL: training the teacher’s” by Susan Hallyard (2011.) Besides, teachers started to work on the possible plan in order to improve their CLIL projects to be presented next December 17th.
    • Articles, resources and more
    - Banegas, Dario Luis (2013) Teachers developing language-driven CLIL through collaborative action research in Argentina. PhD thesis, University of Warwick.

    -Nice video to recap some aspects in CLIL methodology.