Wednesday, December 16, 2015


  • Session Objective

ü  Tutorees will understand the importance of including written outcomes in their CLIL sessions after reflecting on common classroom practices.

ü  Tutorees will work on the most important fundamentals of the writing skill process.

  • Activities

    This session started with a writing workshop in which the teachers were asked to compose a three-paragraph text in which they stand back for their programs and their importance in 2025 since it is being said that they are going to disappear in that year. After, teachers reflected on the task and concluded that the time, the instructions, the lack of input, the lack of complete instructions, the omission of a process to write and the level of anxiety at the top,made of it a really difficult task to accomplish. With this task teachers reflected upon how important it is to plan a writing task and give the time, input, evaluation parameters (rubric), complete instructions, a scaffolding process before asking their students to write something. After that, teachers were introduced the same writing task but with the appropriate strategies to do so, tutors gave them the rubrics, the process to think and plan, the input to write and the fair time to complete this task. Teachers could compare the difference between one task and the other and how important is to plan a writing task diligently. Then teachers participated in a lecture where the different strategies to plan and implement writing activities were presented. Teachers asked questions and they discussed about how can they applied them to their daily classroom practices. Finally, teachers started to write a draft of a writing workshop for their classes to be socilized on December 15th.

  • Articles, resources and more

    Some types of texts, because there are many more than just essays...

  • Article: Loranc, B (2009). Inegrating Reading and Writing into the Context of CLIL Classroom: Some Practical Solutions.International CLIL Research Journal, Vol 1 (2) retrieved from

    Article: Granados, C (2011) Facing CLIL Challenges at University Level. HOW Journal, Vol 18 Number 1. Retrieved from

    How to plan a content activity with the presence of language

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